Term 3
Inquiry: This term we will be exploring the movement of people. When you start thinking about a topic such as this you really start to realise how many effects this has on people, and the many reasons why people move. Sometimes this can be a huge change, such as moving from halfway across the world, to a much smaller but still significant move, such as to a new house or area. We will be looking at movement from many different viewpoints and time periods. Starting locally with the historic development of our area and then branching out further afield, looking at the many reasons why people move from one place to another. P.E: Cross country and ball games will be the physical education focus for the term, but we will still try to have a session per week working on our bike skills. Literacy: Narratives and storytelling are our literacy focus which encompasses: writing, reading and oral language. Maths: Fractions, proportions and ratios are our focuses in numeracy ...