Events / Notices

Events happening in Week 5 Term 4

Monday 13th November:

Library visit to see the Book Fair today. Children will be making their wish lists.
Wednesday 14th November:

DARE Programme 
with Constable Bernie Watt  - Year 6
Keeping Ourselves Safe for Year 5

Thursday 2nd November:

Yr 5 and 6 Athletics Day

Friday 3rd November:

Passion Friday

NO Whole School Assembly this week

Events happening in Week 3 Term 4
It's a BIG week!!!
Monday 30th October:
We are back to our usual Library time to change or renew our books
Year 6 Dance Lessons

Tuesday 31st

Athletics Training

Halloween Mufti Day
1st Camp Meeting - 6:30pm

Wednesday 1st November:

DARE Programme 
with Constable Bernie Watt  - Session 2
Year 6 Dance Lessons
2nd Camp Meeting - 5:00pm

Thursday 2nd November:


Friday 3rd November:

Athletics Training
Passion Friday
Whole School Assembly this week 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 2 Term 4

Monday 23rd October:

Labour Day - Public holiday

This means we miss out on our Library time but children can still bring books back to change or renew them

Tuesday 24
th October:

Athletics Training

Wednesday 25th October:

Year 6 Dance Lessons begin

Thursday 24th October:

DARE Programme 

with Constable Bernie Watt starts today

Friday 27
th October:

Athletics Training
Passion Friday starts this week

No Whole School Assembly this week

And don't forget the

Events happening in Week 1 Term 4

Monday 16th October:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them every week

17th October::

Bikes and T-Ball today please bring your shoes

Friday 20
th October::
No Passion Friday this week - it will start Week 2

Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 7 Term 3

Monday 4th September:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them every week

Tuesday 5th September:

Bikes and Basketball today please bring your shoes

Friday 6th September:
Passion Friday

No Whole School Assembly this week

Events happening in Week 6 Term 3

Monday 28th August:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them every week

Tuesday 29th August:

Bikes and Basketball today please bring your shoes

Friday 1st September:
Passion Friday
Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 5 Term 3

Monday 21st August:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them every week
Cross Country Training today please remember your change of clothes

Tuesday 22nd August:
Parent "Check In" Meetings
School Closes at 12:30pm

Wednesday 23rd August:
Cross Country Training today please remember your change of clothes

Thursday 24th August:
Netball and Basketball today please bring your shoes

Friday 25th August:
Passion Friday
No Whole School Assembly this week
Yr 5&6 Cross Country Event 1:30-2:30pm
at Edith Hoper Park

Events happening in Week 4 Term 3

This includes:
Estimation Stations - Mon - Fri
Parent Presentations on Wed 9am and 6:30pm
Pop Up Maths - Tues and Thurs
Estimation Prize Winners announced at assembly on Friday
More Maths all week long :o)

Monday 14th August:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them after the holidays

Tuesday 15th August:
Bikes and Basketball with B7

Friday 18th August:

Passion Friday
Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 3 Term 3

Monday 7th August:
VLC Road Trip

Tuesday 8th August:
Netball Tournament Yr 4-6

Wednesday 9th August:

Bring you library books as we can change them today due to missing our library time on Monday.

Thursday 10th August:

Bikes and Basketball with B7

Friday 11th August:

Passion Friday

Events happening in Week 2 Term 3

Monday 31st July:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them after the holidays

Tuesday 1st August:
Netball and Bikes - remember your shoes!

Friday 7th July:

Passion Fridays start up again

Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Last day for payments for VLC Road Trip on Monday 7th (only if you opted for Pay as you Go at the beginning of the year)

Events happening in Week 10 Term 2

Monday 3rd July:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them for the holidays

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th July:
Final Inquiry experiments

Thursday 6th July:
Netball and Bikes - remember your shoes!

Friday 7th July:

Passion Friday

Whole School Assembly 2:20pm
Last day of Term
Reports going home

Events happening in Week 8 Term 2

Monday 19th June:
Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them weekly

Tuesday 20th June:
Making Harakeke Paper

Thursday 22nd June
Netball and Bikes - remember your shoes!
Friday 23rd June

Passion Friday
Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 6 Term 2

Monday 5th June:
Queen's Birthday
Tuesday 6th June
Netball and Hockey - remember your shoes!
Friday 9th June
Whole School Assembly 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 5 Term 2

Monday 29th May:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them weekly

Class Photos and Individual/family photos today and possibly Tuesday

Wednesday 31st May:

Please bring sand shoes as we will be doing netball skills and beginning our hockey programme today.

Friday 26th:
Passion Fridays

No assembly this week

Events happening in Week 4 Term 2

Monday 22nd May:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them weekly

Tuesday 23rd:
We are having a bike session on the track in the last block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.
Please also bring sand shoes as we will do half bikes and half netball skills today.

Wednesday 24th:
Learning Celebrations from 1pm til 8pm
School closes at 12.30pm today

Friday 26th:
Passion Fridays

No assembly this week

Events happening in Week 3 Term 2

Monday 15th May:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them weekly

Thursday 18th:

We are having a bike session on the track in the last block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.
Please also bring sand shoes as we will do half bikes and half netball skills today.

Friday 19th:

Passion Fridays
School Assembly at 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 2 Term 2

Monday 8th May:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them for the new term

Tuesday 9th May:

Tsunami Drill

Wednesday 3rd:

We are having another bike session on the track in the middle block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Friday 5th:

Passion Fridays begins for Term 2 enrolments
No School Assembly this week

Events happening in Week 1 Term 2

Monday 1st May:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can change them for the new term

Wednesday 3rd:

We are having another bike session on the track in the last block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Friday 5th:

Whole School Assembly 2.20pm

Events happening in Week 11

Monday 10th:

Library day for B8 - please remember your books so that you can renew them for the holidays

Wednesday 12th:

Waterwise Catch Up Session 12.30 - 1.45

Thursday 13th:

We are having another bike session on the track in the middle block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Whole School Assembly 2.20pm

Friday 14th:

No school today - start of the holidays :o)

Events happening in Week 10

Monday 3rd:

Library day for B8

Tuesday 4th:

VLC Picnic at Manly Park 11am-1pm - please see email sent last week for details.
Unfortunately this looks as if it will not be able to go ahead due to the weather. We will still try to get out with our team for some time on the field if the rain keeps at bay. We are looking at rescheduling the picnic for early next term and will email you closer to the time with details.
Thanks Susannah Franks

We are having another bike session on the track in the last block today - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Friday 7th:

"Passion Friday" continues today and we have no

Full School Assembly this week

Events happening in Week 9

Monday 27:

Library day for B8

Tuesday 28:

We are having another bike session on the track - please bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not, we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Wednesday 29:
Yr 5/6 Waterwise and it is us this week - our Waterwise is between 9:20am - 10:30.

Parents if you have said that you can help, or you now can but never filled in the notice, we would love to see you there.

We will be meeting at Big Manly Beach at the Manly Sailing Club.

Thursday 30:

Students selected from our school swimming day are off to the Interschool Swimming Sports today.

Good Luck Emily, Claire and Eli.

Friday 31st:

"Passion Friday" continues today and we have a
Full School Assembly at 2:20pm

Events happening in Week 8


Library day for B8


Bike day - bring a bike and helmet if you have one - if not we have the school bikes/helmets to use.

Our turn for the lunch time swim in the pool.

Yr 5/6 Waterwise but not for us - our Waterwise is on next Wednesday - 29th March

No Assembly this Friday

Events happening in Week 6

Monday has been set as our library day so please make sure that your child has their library books on this day so they are able to make the most of our well resourced library to find excellent reading material for the week.

Tuesday is swimming lessons so please make sure that your child has togs, a towel, goggles and swimming cap today!

Thursday is our Year 5 and 6 Swimming Sports which is held at the Leisure Centre. It is between 10.30am and 2.30pm. If you have volunteered to help out in the water please report to Mrs McNee when you arrive and she will tell you how you can assist. If you haven't volunteered, but now find you are available and can help, please come along with your togs as we need a few more parents in the water to assist our children who are not as confident. Thank you in advance.

Friday is our last Gala Mufti Day. Please refer to your pink notice as to what to bring.

Saturday is the big day - Gala! Thank you if you are able to help on such an important date in the year. If not come and have some fun with your children and support the school. There are great stalls, food and fun games - including the famous dunking machine!

Events happening in Week 5

Monday has been set as our library day so please make sure that your child has their library books on this day so they are able to make the most of our well resourced library to find excellent reading material for the week.

Tuesday is swimming lessons and our turn to have our Vertical Team’s Water Fight! The children’s water guns stay in the classroom until lunch then they take them over to outside the pool area. Kevin will meet them there after lunch sit down eating and will explain the water battle zone and rules. When they go back to your room their water guns stay in the classroom until 3pm, when they bring them home. If they don’t have a water gun they can use a squirting water bottle. No water balloons please. Make sure that your child has togs, a towel (maybe 2), goggles, swimming cap and a good lunch as they will be very active today!

Wednesday at 2.30pm we are officially opening the Cycle Track. There will be ribbon cutting ceremony and the children are invited to ride around on decorated bikes or walk the track if they prefer.

Friday is our next Gala Mufti Day. Please refer to your pink notice as to what to bring.

Week 4 Reminders

Tuesday 21st - Our team's day for the waterslide/pool at lunchtime. please bring togs and towel if you want to participate. (optional)

Wednesday 22nd - B8's Swimming Lessons begin at the Leisure Centre.

Please remember togs, towel. Goggles and swimming cap are also required.

The Leisure Centre has requested that all children are to wear these - they will not be allowed in the pool without them. 

Friday 24th - Gala Mufti Day - please check your pink notice as to what to bring this week. There is no school assembly this week.


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