Student Page
Last term we had been learning about flax paper. Making it was really fun and smelly . We boiled the flax, we smashed it and blended it. Then we let it dry for about a week.The class down stairs was not happy with all the banging. The flax smelt like tea and sugar. Once the paper was dried we let it set for a few weeks over the holidays under wood by squishing it flat. We finally got to see it and the product was good.
By Robbie and Lucus
Week 8 student blog
BY Jack and Maell
Our topics.
.Flax paper
.E books
.fluid block
Ebooks by Maell Hartley.
We have improved on our e-books. They are going well. We are up to our glossaries and introductions - well most of us are. Most of us have done our title page and timeline or flowchart.
Fluid blocks by Maell Hartley.
We are now doing this thing called fluid blocks. Mrs Franks sent us these personal timetable that we type what we are doing in the first and middle blocks. If Sarah or Mrs Franks are doing workshops that we are in we put them in first then add our other activities after that.
Flax paper:by Jack Taylor
We have started our flax paper some of the children have brought in some materials and some flax. The class has been split into 6 groups and the Elements reading group is leading the groups. Xander’s dad came in to help too.
Here are some photos:
This is us cutting up the flax
Mrs Franks took this home and boiled it for 3 hours! She said it was a bit stinky. Lucky she has a fan!
This is us beating the flax
This is us using a screen to get the pulp even to make a sheet of the paper.
We had two types of flax pulp to try this is the beaten flax and Mrs Franks blended some the night before to try so we could see if there was a difference. There was a big difference!
This is the beaten flax
This is the blended flax
When we screened the blended flax it turned out heaps better
We then put it between cloths and rolled it and sponged it to get rid of as much water as possible before leaving it to dry
Flipping it was the hardest part
We put it under our bookcase to dry it. The bookcase is really heavy so it keeps the paper flat. See next week’s blog for some photos of the paper when we take it out from underneath the bookcase.
We did these wonders based on chemical and material change. One of the best wondering that we heard was can a solid turn to gas or does it need to become liquid first - Maell was investigating this.
This week we made catapults for our rich maths task. Connor and Reuben’s cotton ball went the furthest and Eli and Seth’s came second when we had the challenge of measuring how far they were catapulted down the class. We had a tape measure set up to measure how far each one went. The materials we used were cups, spoons, bluetack, paperclips, rubber bands and a little bit of cellotape if we needed it.
Here are some photos:
.Student Blog.
(By Reuben and Connor)
On Friday last week we made origami boxes to work out the area of the paper we used.
This week we are making flippers to help us learn maths language and different symbols. If you want to try to make one of these here is the link -
This week on Monday we had a talk about Bike Safety on the road. We looked at a website which showed us all about Bike Safety. Like: Checking our helmets, Checking our tyres and understanding what the signs mean. If you want to learn more about Bike Safety go to these links -
Every week we do Netball and Hockey and sometimes Bikes. This week we learn a lot about the bike safety and bunny hops, wheelies and more. One of my
favourites was doing the bunny hops it's really challenging and gives a good laugh when we fail.
Sadly there is no website but you can purchase “Mr T” from TradeMe or ebay for $12.99. (each bike sold separately) Just Joking!! In hockey we are using our sticks to get control of the ball and take it off other people. In netball we are learning to throw the ball and play the game like normal people. If somehow you live under a rock here is what Netball and Hockey is.
And that was our student blog :D
By - Reuben - Connor .
By : Ruby & Shilei
This week we have been doing our E-Books, they are our non fiction books that we will be making on a google slide. We have also been researching about our topic (e.g wheat to bread) and finding interesting facts, we have put them into groups and they are Random Facts, Ground e.g. The Plant, Processing, End Result. On our E-Books there will be lots of pictures, facts and questions to answer. We are also starting to look at the environmental effects of our product.
B7 and B8 have been focusing on netball and hockey
Here are some photos of us doing our researching.
What happened in Week 5
B8 Student Blog
By Claire and Ruby
This week we have been working on our non-fiction e-books about material change.
We have “brain dumped” facts that we know. Then once we have researched more facts and have at least 30, and we have answered our questions, then we will start on our draft e-books.
We have also been thinking about new things we could have as our "ss"…. So we decided on sss, ssm, ssr, ict (sustained silent spelling, sustained silent maths, sustained silent reading, and information communications technology - this is using our teacher bookmarked websites).
Below are some photos of B8 doing SS:
Everybody in B8 has been really enjoying our new furniture. We really like our new learning environment. We are respecting and taking great care of the furniture. Our orca comes into this too. We have taken ownership if we have made a mistake with the furniture. We respect it. We collaborate to keep it clean and if we do this we achieve keeping our learning environment nice and new.
About a week ago we started working on our beautiful looking Tivaevae patterns. Most of us have finished ours, they look amazing! You can look at some photos below:
What happened in Week 4
By Jade
Wednesday, 24th May, is when our BRAND NEW furniture is coming! everyone is SUPER excited!
Our new furniture will be coming in a few minutes or hours, And we’re just dying to get it into the class!
The Furnware furniture is a special company,
because when you order a whole bunch of furniture, they arrange it in the way you want it to go, and then they come in a few weeks later and put in the furniture, exactly the same as you wanted it!
because when you order a whole bunch of furniture, they arrange it in the way you want it to go, and then they come in a few weeks later and put in the furniture, exactly the same as you wanted it!
It's Friday, and our furniture is finally here, and being used by the class. Everyone has too much excitement and we are enjoying trying all the different options.
Earlier this week we had our Learning Celebrations!
Before our real parents came in, people from A6 came to help us. They pretended to be our parents so we could practise and then we went to their classroom and pretended to be their parents.
After all that, our real parents came! There was a writing table, reading table, and a maths table. On the writing table, we showed our parents our Writing Goals, and our favourite story in our draft books. On the reading table, we read a journal that we have read in our reading groups, showed them the books we have recently read, and shared our Reading Goals. Then for the maths table, you guessed it, we showed them our Maths Goals. We also played our favourite maths game which was fun as we had to teach our parents how to play.
Have a look at the photos of our Learning Celebrations below:
Have a look at the photos of our Learning Celebrations below:
What happened in Week 3
B8 Student Blog
by Mia and Emily
Welcome to our B8 student blog.
We have prepared some photos from the past week to show you the highlights of our week. So hope you enjoy!
This term we all know our topic is change (chemical change). So let’s talk a little about it………
We all have a wonder around this topic which we will share with you at our Learning Celebrations. We are enjoying finding out amazing facts about matter.
Over the weeks we’ve been having bike sessions to practise and improve in our bike riding skills. Mr.T has been providing us with these lessons to use the bike track so we can keep fit and healthy. We have been doing this with B7 so while one class is riding bikes the other class has been learning netball skills and improving our passing.
Learning Celebration
This week our parents will be coming in to
look around the classroom. We will be showing them all the improvements we have made in our learning so far this year. Also the new “Furnware” furniture will be coming that day. So we will be able to show them the furniture - but it won't be put out and ready.
The O stands for Ownership.
The R stands for Respect.
The C stands for Collaboration.
The A stands for Achieve.
We all know that this is a very important motto. This leads on to the motto
“To be the best we can be”.
and I bet you Kevin will really want us to follow this because it makes our school a better place.
Last week we had a little Math session with Mrs.Knox who came to do a special activity for her degree at university. During this session we made mini pyramids then got into groups together and we made size one, two and three. We also got given sheets to work out a few problems together in a group. So here are some photos.
After lunch our class has been playing some games outside e.g Basketball, Netball, etc so here are some photos of us improving our ball skills and shooting.
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ReplyDeleteits me connor im at school right now