Term Four This term our inquiry focus in Sustainability. With our big focus question is, "How can we make a difference?". The key understandings are that all our actions and wants have a consequence on natural ecosystems and natural resources and how balanced relationships are required to maintain these, including our 'taonga' or treasures. For Literacy we will be using our reading strategies to research to find information to develop our own persuasive writing including speeches and debates around our findings. We have been working on scanning information to find key ideas and important words around an inquiry. In Numeracy we will be continuing to progress our number knowledge and develop our use of strategies. We well also be covering algebra (patterns and relationships) For strand we will be looking at Time, and Statistical Literacy which fits in nicely with Sustainability. For PE / Health, we will be developing our skills and techniques in Athlet...
Showing posts from October, 2017