
Term Four This term our inquiry focus in Sustainability. With our big focus question is, "How can we make a difference?". The key understandings are that all our actions and wants have a consequence on natural ecosystems and natural resources and how balanced relationships are required to maintain these, including our 'taonga' or treasures. For Literacy we will be using our reading strategies to research to find information to develop our own persuasive writing including speeches and debates around our findings. We have been working on scanning information to find key ideas and important words around an inquiry.  In Numeracy we will be continuing to progress our number knowledge and develop our use of strategies. We well also be covering algebra (patterns and relationships) For strand we will be looking at Time, and Statistical Literacy which fits in nicely with Sustainability.  For PE / Health, we will be developing our skills and techniques in Athlet...

Term 3

Inquiry: This term we will be exploring the movement of people. When you start thinking about a topic such as this you really start to realise how many effects this has on people, and the many reasons why people move. Sometimes this can be a huge change, such as moving from halfway across the world, to a much smaller but still significant move, such as to a new house or area. We will be looking at movement from many different viewpoints and time periods. Starting locally with the historic development of our area and then branching out further afield, looking at the many reasons why people move from one place to another. P.E: Cross country and ball games will be the physical education focus for the term, but we will still try to have a session per week working on our bike skills. Literacy: Narratives and storytelling are our  literacy focus which encompasses: writing, reading and oral language.  Maths: Fractions, proportions and ratios are our focuses in numeracy ...

TERM 2 2017

Our Inquiry this term is all about “Change”. We will be focusing our investigations around the scientific changes that occur in the Material World. The children will be introduced to this inquiry with a bit of a bang! Our Reading and Maths programmes will continue as they did last term. Our new focuses are on multiplication and division in numeracy and non-fiction text in reading. This means that the groups have been changed quite a bit due to children having different learning needs in these areas. If your child comes home a bit upset thinking that they have “gone down a group” please reassure them that this is not the case. The groups are based on individuals needs in particular areas and often change several times throughout the term. The groups are also only a starting point for their learning and I will be introducing even more teacher led workshops this term, as our timetable continues to become more fluid, which the children can attend if they need extra help. Measure...


OUR MOTTO  To be the best we can be Kia eke ki nga taumata tiketike OUR MISSION Together we inspire learning Whakahui, whakamanawa, tatou ako OUR VISION Connect - Challenge - Empower Hono - Whakatara - Whakamana OUR VALUES ORCA Ownership Respect Collaborate Achieve                           Welcome to B8 - 2017 Our School focus this term is Whanaungatanga which is all about connectedness and relationships. Being part of a community which promotes a sense of belonging and contribution Building lasting relationships Making choices that enable us to build a learning community What makes our school and our community unique? What makes our school and community great? Before we look at our greater school and community, we will be getting to know ourselves as learners and what kind of class culture we want to create in B8. ...